When was the last time you felt like a kid in candy store? Well, I just came back from "Bead & Button" show in Milwaukee Wisconsin. Every time I go, there is always lots of surprises.
The most beautiful part of the show are Lampwork Artists. It is unbelievable what people can make from a piece of glass ... So many one of a kind beads, marbles, glass sculptures in one place - it is simply overwhelming.
Another thing I love about "Bead & Button" - lots of tools and gadgets and the best part - you get to play with them right on the spot. Some of the tools you may never even heard of and there is usually a person to show you how to work it.
Artists are such friendly people, the minute you walk into the show floor you feel the energy that surrounds the place.
Scott Bouwens, who once introduced me to Lampworking.... It was years ago and I already had my torch sitting in a box for months. Back then I had no idea how to connect it to oxygen and propane - the whole idea wa
s just too scary. I remember walking into his booth and his beads are absolutely fantastic - truly I am just fascinated by his art.

He also makes a line of tools for glass makers and lampworking artists. Really cool gadgets like spinning mandrel, hand stabilizers, enamel and frit vibes - all super duper high quality hand made stuff you won't find anywhere else. More on his web site...

SO, imagine me, walking into his booth, totally clueless, asking all those questions about what's what ? and my torch is being still in a box....
He told me how easy it was to hook up the torch, not only that, he told me what book to buy and he walked with me through the show floor to show me what kind of glass to buy !
I started making my own beads a week later :) Thank you, Scott.
By the way, every time I go to "Bead & Button" I graze over his new gadgets - they are just too cool to miss.
You see what I mean... by saying Artists are very friendly crowd of people.